Silver factory revisited
Warhol’s pleasure-driven aesthetic and penchant for celebrity are explored at the Museum of Fine Arts
Warhol’s pleasure-driven aesthetic and penchant for celebrity are explored at the Museum of Fine Arts
English department speaker series brings creative writing to McGill
Spike Lee’s WWII flick falters
Fledgling council fosters student creativity
The M60 Film Festival: legitimizing short media, one minute at a time
Canadian record label Out of Sound draws on the glory days of the indie aesthetic
Vadim Glowna runs rampant in House of the Sleeping Beauties
A story by Sarah Mortimer
Remembering David Foster Wallace
Eco-minded bakery settles into its new location
At Marché MTL’s Swaparama, vintage fiends trade their old clothes for, well, more old clothes
Miriam Toews writes the highs and lows of dysfunctional family life
…the still-famous Andy Warhol reappears in a Montreal loft
Dynamo Coléoptera channel bottomless energy into swirling surrealist performances
Show: Wefunk Hosts: Mike Lai & Nick Foster, a.k.a. DJ Static and Professor Groove Time: Friday nights from 12 a.m. to 2 a.m. A few… Read More »CKUT weekly pick