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Unfit to Print || November 21, 2017

November 21 Episode: Trans Poetry and Fossil Fuel Divestment

Last week on Unfit to Print, we spoke to Arno Pedram, Culture Editor at The Daily, and part of the committee heading this week’s Sex & Gender issue. Their article, “On faggotry,” explores the radical trans poetry of Travis Alabanza. We also spoke to Dr. Greg Mikkelson, a McGill professor and a member of McGill Faculty and Librarians for Divestment, a group working in collaboration with Divest McGill to get the University to divest from fossil fuels. We chatted about the recent decision of the MAUT, McGill Association of University Teachers, to divest their holdings and formally endorse Divest McGill.

Unfit to Print airs on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:00 for the rest of the semester on 90.3 FM in Montreal and worldwide.