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Winter 2024 Referendum Questions

The McGill Daily editorial board has compiled our endorsements for the Winter 2024 referendum questions.

The questions in this referendum are:

  1. Do you agree to increase the non-opt-outable SSMU Membership Fee by the amounts outlined in the table below, per student per semester and payable by all SSMU members starting in Fall 2024 to cover salary increases of the staff of the SSMU (excluding Executives) and to facilitate the operations of the SSMU as a whole, with the understanding that a majority “no” vote would result in would likely result in a drastic reduction of SSMU’s operations, including support provided to the Clubs and Services under SSMU?
  2. Do you agree to increase the non-opt-outable SSMU Queer Equity Support Fee by $1.32 from $1.09 per semester, bringing it to a total of $2.41 per semester payable by all SSMU members starting in Fall 2024 and ending in winter 2029 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the Membership for renewal. With the understanding that a majority ‘no’ vote would result in the continuation of the fee at its current rate, severely limiting the ability for QUIPS to provide emergency support to queer and marginalized students.
  3. Do you agree to increase the non-opt-outable SSMU Safety Network Fee by $0.14 from $7.01 per semester to a total $7.15 payable by all members, starting in Fall 2024 until Winter 2029 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the Membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority ʻnoʼ vote will result in the continuation of the fee at its current rate, resulting in the reduction of some SSMU WALKSAFE operations, as well as limitations in the quality of the services offered by SSMU WALKSAFE?
  4. Do you agree to increase the opt-outable Referral Services Fee by $1.25 from $6.03 to a total of $7.28 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU Members, starting in Fall 2024 until Winter 2028 (inclusive) at which point it will be brought back to the Membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority ‘no’ vote will result in a continuation of the fee at its current rate, impacting the Union for Gender Empowerment’s ability to provide services in alignment with its mandates?
  5. Do you agree to reinstate the opt-outable SSMU First Year Council (FYC) Fee at a rate of $0.50 per semester, payable by all SSMU members for the purpose of supporting the FYC who represent, organize events, and do giveaways for, but not limited to, first year students. Starting in Fall 2024 until Winter 2029 (inclusive), once per semester, excluding summers, with the understanding that a majority “no” vote will result in a drastic reduction in the representation and event planning capabilities of the First Year Council?
  6. Do you agree to increase the opt-outable Black Studentsʼ Network Fee from $1.00 to $2.00 per semester per full -time members, and from $0.50 to $1.00 for part-time members, starting in Fall 2024 until Winter 2029 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the membership for renewal, with the understand that a majority ʻNOʼ will result in a continuation of the fee at its current rate?
  7. Do you agree to renew the non-opt-outable Legal Information Clinic at McGill (LICM) fee at a rate of $4.50 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU members, starting Fall 2024 to Fall 2029 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the Membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority “no” vote would result in the closure of the LICM, which has existed since 1973, and the end of Student Advocacy, which is the sole experienced provider of student representation at McGill in disciplinary and other internal proceedings against the University since 1989? Do you agree to increase the non-opt-outable Legal Information Clinic at McGill (LICM) fee from $4.50 to $5.91 per student, per semester for all SSMU members, starting Fall 2024 until fall 2029 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the Membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority ‘no’ vote will result in the continuation of the fee at its current rate and will require significant cuts to the Legal Information and Student Advocacy representation services currently offered and reduce the organization’s ability to serve students and the broader community?
  8. Do you agree to increase the opt-outable Club Fee from by $1.87 from $4.57 to $5.44 per student, per semester; payable by all SSMU members starting in Fall 2024 and ending in Winter 2029 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the Membership for renewal. With the understanding that a majority ‘no’ vote will prevent the increase of the fee amount, impacting the ability of the funding committee to fund SSMU clubs?
  9. Do you agree to renew the opt-outable Campus Life Fee at a rate of $2.00 for full-time students and $1.00 for part-time students per semester starting in Fall 2024 and until Winter 2029 (inclusive), with the understanding that a majority ‘no’ vote will prevent the funding and support of events on and around campus? Do you agree to increase the opt-outable Campus Life Fee by $0.83 for full-time students and $0.41 for part-time students, per semester, raising the fee to a total of $2.83 for full-time students and $1.41 for part-time students per semester, starting in Fall 2024 until Winter 2029 (inclusive), with the understanding that a majority ‘no’ vote will prevent the increase of the fee amount, impacting the ability of the funding committee to fund Campus Life activities?
  10. Do you agree to the increase the opt-outable SSMU Student Academic Support Services Fee by $0.67, from $0.93 to a total of $1.60, per student, per semester, payable by all full-time and part-time SSMU members, starting in Fall 2024 and to be charged until Winter 2029 (inclusive), with the understanding that a majority ‘no’ vote would result in increased MiniCourses registration costs and limited free Open Educational Resources?
  11. Do you agree to increase the opt-outable SSMU Arab Student Network Fee by $0.50, from $0.50 to $1 per student per semester payable by all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2024 until winter 2029 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the Membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority ʻnoʼ vote will result in the continuation of the fee at its current rate, resulting in the reduction of some the Arab Student Network operations, as well as limitations in the quality of the services offered by the Arab Student Network?
  12. Do you agree to renew the opt-outable SSMU Library Improvement Fund Fee at a rate of $8.50 for full time students and $4.25 for part time students per semester, starting in Fall 2024 until Winter 2029 (inclusive), with the understanding that a majority ”no” vote would result in the termination of the fee?
  13. Do you agree to renew the non-opt-outable SSMU keep.meSAFE fee at $2.75 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU members, starting Fall 2024 until Winter 2029 (inclusive) to access 24/7/365 mental health services?
  14. Do you agree to the creation of the opt-outable SSMU Student Rights Fund at a rate of $0.25 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2024 until Winter 2029 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the Membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority ‘no’ vote will result in limitations for SSMU to provide resources, information, and funding for student rights?
  15. Do you agree to the appointment of BDO Canada LLP as the Auditor for the 2024 Fiscal Year for the Students’ Society of McGill University, with the understanding that a majority “no” vote will result in the SSMU’s inability to be properly audited for this fiscal year?
  16. Do you agree to increase the opt-outable MUSTBUS fee by $2.00, from $2.00 to $4.00 per semester, payable by all SSMU members, starting Fall 2024, until Winter 2029 (inclusive), with the understanding that a majority ‘No’ vote will result in the fee remaining at its current rate?
  17. Do you agree to renew the opt-out-able Student Support Fee at a rate of $9.70 per student per semester, reduced from $10.29 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU members for unlimited access to Udemy & Calm starting in Fall 2024 until Winter 2029 (inclusive), with the understanding that a majority “no” vote will result in the termination of the fee and the service currently provided?

  1. SSMU Membership Fee Increase

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “YES with reservations” vote for the SSMU Membership Fee Increase. We recognize that the Membership Fee, referred to as the “Base Fee” in last semester’s referendum, has not seen an increase since 2019 and that the proposed increase of $27.11 per semester (for most full-time undergraduates) is more reasonable than last semester’s proposed increase of $48.73 per semester (for most full-time undergraduates). We also recognize that the additional fees, which will purportedly cover salary increases for non-executive unionized staff, will allow SSMU to address its financial needs at a time when inflation and the cost of living are increasing. In light of this same fact, however, the Daily is concerned that the $95.59 non-opt-outable fee will be a difficult burden for many undergraduates to shoulder twice a year.

2. Queer Equity Support Fee Increase

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “YES” vote for the Queer Equity Support Fee Increase. This fee was initiated in the 2021–22 academic year to create an emergency financial support program for queer students, particularly those facing barriers due to homophobia and transphobia. To date, the fund has distributed over $100,000 to queer (and other marginalized) students struggling to pay for food, rent, and medical emergencies. The fund receives an “overwhelming number” of applications each year but is only able to grant about 55% of the funding requested due to budget restrictions. The Daily views an increase (of $1.09 per semester, for a total of $2.41) as integral both to compensate for inflation and the increased cost of living and to protect queer students at a time of heightened homophobia and transphobia.

3. SSMU Walksafe Fee Increase

The SSMU Walksafe Fee Increase would increase funding for SSMU Walksafe and allow the program to expand its operations and adjust for inflation. SSMU Walksafe provides services for McGill students and also elementary school students with the program Walk Buddies. Since the last increase, Walksafe has used student fees to expand their services, and with the current increase, they would use the money for new uniforms and offer new programming on harm reduction, self defence, and street safety. Therefore, The Daily endorses a “YES” vote for the fee increase for Walksafe.

4. Referral Services Fee Increase

The Daily‘s editorial board endorses a “YES” vote for the Referral Services Fee Increase. The Referral Services Fee Increase would increase funding for the Union for Gender Empowerment (UGE). The UGE’s services include providing free/pay-what-you-can reusable menstrual products, gender-affirming gear, and safer sex supplies as well as an alternative library free for anyone to access. This fee increase would allow the UGE to meet increased demand for their services and continue to provide free, accessible resources to students in need.

5. Reinstatement of First-Year Fee

The First Year Council manages SSMU’s services for first-year undergraduate students, such as organizing social events, holding first-year forums, and representing first-year students in Legislative Council. As many first years may experience difficulty transitioning to university, it is important to have services in place to help them adjust and to represent their interests. The Daily endorses a “YES” vote for the First Year Fee Reinstatement.

6. Black Students’ Network Service Fee Increase

The Black Students’ Network (BSN) provides invaluable programming for Black students at McGill. This fee increase would allow the BSN to organize more events, specifically during Black History Month, aimed at supporting Black students both academically and professionally. The increase in funding would help the BSN pay for Black Grad, an event for Black graduates, which would remain underfinanced without the fee increase. Additionally, with the increase, the BSN would be able to further execute the Action Plan to Address Further Racism. Therefore the Daily votes “YES” to the service fee increase for the Black Students’ Network.

7. Legal Information Clinic Fee Renewal and Increase

The Legal Information Clinic at McGill (LICM) offers free, bilingual legal advice to McGill students and community members, providing a service that can often be prohibitively expensive to those who need it. The LICM has not received a fee increase since 2014, and they would have to cut some of their services if the increase did not go through. Given that the LICM serves an estimated 2,000 students and community members per year, it is evident that there is a demand for this type of service. Therefore, the Daily’s editorial board endorses a “YES” vote for both the renewal and the increase of the LICM’s fee.

8. Club Fee Increase

The Daily endorses a  “YES” vote for the Club Fee Increase. There exist over 250 clubs at this university, and they form an integral part of the student experience at McGill. They offer the chance for students to explore new hobbies and make friends outside of the classroom. McGill’s clubs provide opportunities that might be difficult to access elsewhere, and they make university life a richer experience for all students. Moreover, many clubs involved in volunteering and charity work also allow students to grow their co-curricular record, where student achievement outside of the classroom is recognized. The Club Fee Increase would allow SSMU to continue to fund student-run initiatives and allow future generations of students to experience McGill’s opportunities to the fullest.

9. Campus Life Fee Renewal and Increase

The Daily endorses a “YES” vote to both the renewal and increase of the Campus Life Fee. Campus life activities are central to the student experience at McGill: they are places for students to have fun and enjoy a break from their academic responsibilities. For new students, too, campus life events are among the first opportunities to interact with the wider McGill community.

10. Student Academic Support Services Fee Increase

The Daily endorses a “YES” vote for increasing the Student Academic Support Services Fee. This fee funds both SSMU MiniCourses, which offers affordable workshops and extracurricular classes to students in the comfort of their university, and McGill’s Open Education Resources (OERs). Traditional textbooks and other academic resources are often difficult to access due to cost, making them a socioeconomic barrier to student success. According to SSMU: “Over the last decade, textbook prices have increased by 88 per cent, which is four times the inflation rate.” The OERs provided through the Student Academic Support Service Fee grant students access to resources that would otherwise be expensive to obtain, making them vital to equality in education at McGill. This fee drastically reduces the financial burden on undergraduates at McGill, and the Daily believes it is essential to student success.

11. Arab Student Network Fee Increase

The Arab Student Network (ASN) reports that financial difficulties in recent years have limited the services and events that they are able to offer. The ASN currently produces journals to showcase artistic impressions of Arab culture, offers Arabic language classes, and hosts social events for the Arab community at McGill. In particular, they can only offer beginner Arabic classes to small groups of students despite seeing more demand in recent years. The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “YES” vote to the Arab Student Network Fee Increase so that the ASN can maintain and improve the quality of their educational and cultural programs.

12. Library Improvement Fund Fee Renewal

The Daily endorses a “YES” vote for the renewal of the Library Improvement Fund, whose committee currently develops project that seek to ensure greater accessibility within learning spaces as well as increased wellness and inclusivity for students. The Library Improvement Committee utilizes student suggestions and concerns in order to improve library environments for students, placing their opinions at the forefront. Throughout the years, the Fund has consistently sought to better the campus by improving working areas and maximizing comfort.

13. keep.meSAFE Fee Renewal

The keep.meSAFE program at McGill provides a variety of mental health resources and support for students. With a fee renewal, keep.meSAFE will continue offering students access to in-person counselling appointments as well as the opportunity to speak with mental health professionals online at all hours of the day, every day of the year. Given that they accommodate a variety of student needs, are easily accessible, and are an affordable route to obtaining mental health services, the Daily endorses a “YES” vote for the keep.meSAFE fee renewal. 

14. Creation of Student Rights Fee and Fund

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “YES with reservations” vote for the implementation of the Student Rights Fee and Fund. SSMU is proposing the creation a Student Rights Fund that claims to inform students of their rights at McGill and protect those rights against potential infringements. Although we recognize the importance of an organization that seeks to expand the scope of student rights, it is currently unclear as to what the fund will accomplish due to a lack of elaboration on how they define student rights, as well as the actions they will take to uphold them. Additionally, we perceive the service this fund is offering to be redundant in the context of other groups and organizations committed to advancing student rights on campus.

15. Nomination of Auditor for 2024 Fiscal Year Referendum Question

Given that as a non-profit, SSMU must be audited each year, the Daily’s editorial board endorses a “YES” vote to nominate BDO Canada LLP as the Auditor for the 2024 Fiscal Year.

16. Mustbus Opt-Outable Fee Increase

MUSTBUS organizes trips for McGill students during school breaks, usually at subsidized prices. Common destinations include Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec City, Boston, and New York City. This can provide a more affordable way for students with family in these cities to return home for breaks. This fee increase would allow MUSTBUS to expand the trips they can offer at even more affordable prices so that more students can benefit from this service. Therefore, the Daily endorses a “YES” vote for the MUSTBUS fee increase.

17. Student-initiated question: Student Support Fee

This opt-outable fee would go toward Student Support Canada, a for-profit organization that provides students with unlimited access to Calm and Udemy. In line with our endorsement during the Winter 2022 and Winter 2023 referendums, the Daily says “NO” to the creation of this fee. Student funds should go toward student services, not for-profit outside organizations. Furthermore, the legitimacy of Student Support Canada is questionable. In 2020, the organization was less than transparent with the Carleton University Students’ Association, as reported in the Eyeopener. At a legislative council meeting in February 2022, when the service was being introduced, Student Support Canada’s representative also implied that overhead costs associated with providing these services would be subject to change over the next few years. This past school year, legislative counsellors expressed further concern regarding Student Support’s failure to adequately consult McGill students and to be transparent about its use of student fees, the Tribune reported. All in all, student fees would be much better allocated to services rather than to a corporation.