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Winter 2023 Referendum Questions

The McGill Daily editorial board has compiled our endorsements for the Winter 2023 referendum questions.

The McGill Daily editorial board has compiled our endorsements for this semester’s referendum questions.

The questions in this referendum are:

  • Do you agree to establish an opt-outable SSMU Legal Essentials service fee valued at $30.00 per student to be charged in the Fall semester for full year access (September to August); students who begin in the Winter semester will be charged a prorated fee of $20.00 to access the program from January to August? The fee will be payable by all SSMU members, for 2 years, starting Fall 2023 until Winter 2025 (inclusive) to access the Legal Essentials service, at which time it will be brought back to the membership for renewal.
  • Do you agree with the creation of the SSMU grocery program supported by an opt-outable SSMU Grocery Program Fee of $1.00 per student per semester (excluding summer) payable by all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2023 and ending in Winter 2028 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the Membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority “no” vote would result in the non-existence of such a fee and the termination of the program?
  • Do you agree to the renewal of the opt-outable Arab Student Network Fee of $0.50 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU members , starting in Fall 2023 and ending in Winter 2028 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority “no” vote will result in the termination of all undergraduate fee-levy funding to the Arab Student Network?
  • Do you agree to the renewal of the opt-outable Plate Club Fee of $0.14, to be charged per semester to all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2023 and ending in Winter 2028 (inclusive), with the understanding that a “no” vote will result in the discontinuation of the fee?
  • Do you agree to the renewal of the opt-outable Student Space Fund Fee of $1.00 per semester, per student, payable by all SSMU members, starting Fall 2023 and ending in Winter 2028 (inclusive), with the understanding that a majority vote “no” the reduction in the amount of money available to students to furnish campus spaces?
  • Do you agree to the renewal of the opt-outable Black Students’ Network Fee of $1.00 per full-time student ($0.50 per part-time student), per semester, payable by all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2023 and ending in Winter 2028 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority “no” vote will result in the termination of all undergraduate fee-levy funding to the Black Students’ Network?
  • Do you agree to the renewal of the opt-outable Environment fee of $1.00 per semester, per student, payable by all SSMU members, starting Fall 2023 and ending in Winter 2028 (inclusive), with the understanding that a majority vote “no” would lead to a reduction in the amount of money available to students who wish to start sustainable initiatives?
  • Do you agree to increase the non opt-outable fee titled “Daily Publications Society” collected by the DPS, from $6.00 to $7.50 payable by all SSMU Members, starting in Fall 2023 to Winter 2028 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the membership for renewal?
  • A) Do you agree to renew the non-opt-outable fee titled “McGill Tribune (SSTB)” of $4.00 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2023 to Winter 2028 (inclusive), at which time it will be brought back to the membership for renewal? and B) Should the McGill Tribune fee be renewed in part a), Do you agree to increase the non-opt outable fee titled “McGill Tribune (SSTB)” from $4.00 per student per semester to $5.50 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2023 to Winter 2028 (inclusive), at which time it will be brought back to the membership for renewal? Failure to achieve a majority yes vote will result in the fee remaining at $4.00 per semester.
  • Do you agree to the renewal of the opt-outable student levy, titled “ECOLE Project Fee,” of $2.00 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU members, starting Fall 2023 and ending Winter 2028 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority vote “no” will result in the discontinuity of the operations of ECOLE due to lack of funding?
  • a) Do you agree to the renewal of the opt-outable Student Support Fee, a for-profit organization providing unlimited access to Udemy, Calm and ProWriting Aid, charged to all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2023 and ending in Winter 2024 (inclusive). Failure to achieve a majority yes vote will result in the service being discontinued. And b) Should the Student Support Fee be renewed in part a), do you further agree to increase the opt-outable Student Support Fee from $9.99 to $10.29 per student per semester. Failure to achieve a majority yes vote will result in the fee remaining at $9.99 per student per semester.
  • 1) Do you agree to extend the opt-outable Midnight Kitchen Fee of $3.35 per student per semester (excluding summer), payable by all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2023 and ending in Winter 2028 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority “no” vote will result in the termination of services. And 2) Should the opt-outable Midnight Kitchen Fee be renewed in part a, do you further agree that the fee be increased from $3.35 to $8.00 per student per semester? Failure to achieve a majority yes vote will result in the fee remaining at $3.35 per student per semester.
  • 1) Do you agree to extend the opt-outable MSA Service Fee of $0.99 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2023 and ending in Winter 2028 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the membership for renewal, with the understanding that a majority “no” vote will result in the termination of services. And 2) Should the opt-outable MSA Service Fee be renewed in part a, do you further agree that the fee be increased from $0.99 to $1.55 per student per semester? Failure to achieve a majority yes vote will result in the fee remaining at $0.99 per semester.
  • Do you agree to the increase of the opt-outable Referral Services Fee of $4.92 per student per semester by the following amounts: a) An additional $0.35 per student per semester starting in Fall 2023, with the understanding that a majority ‘no’ vote will prevent the increase of the fee amount, impacting Queer McGill’s ability to provide services in alignment with its mandates? b) An additional $0.76 per semester, starting in Fall 2023 with the understanding that a majority ‘no’ vote will prevent the increase of the fee amount, impacting The Eating Disorder Centre’s ability to provide services in alignment with its mandates? c) Should both of these increases be approved by the majority, then do you further agree that the fee be extended to Winter 2028 (inclusive). If this does not pass, then the increases revert to an end date of Fall 2026 requiring renewal at that time.
  • Do you agree to the increase of the non-opt-outable ‘Mental Health Fee’ from $0.40 to $0.75 per student per semester, payable by all SSMU members starting Fall 2023 until Winter 2026 (inclusive), with an understanding that a majority ‘No’ vote would result in the continuation of the fee remaining at the current amount per semester until its expiry?”
  • a) Do you agree to a fee increase of the non-opt-outable Safety Services fee from $4.32 to $5.65, payable by all undergraduate students who are SSMU Members, starting in Fall 2023, and ending in Winter 2026 (inclusive)? This fee increase is to support the DriveSafe and MSERT, which is under the umbrella of the Safety Services fee, whereby $0.60 of the $4.32 was allocated to the DriveSafe program, and with this increase of $1.00, $1.60 would now be allocated, and an increase from $1.85 to $2.18 for MSERT. Should the majority vote “no” , there will be no expansion of the Drivesafe or MSERT operations. b) Do you agree that the Safety Services fee which was to end after the Winter 2026 term, be extended to end after the Winter 2028 term?
  • Do you agree with the creation of the opt-outable IRSAM Fee of $1.00 per student, per semester, payable by all SSMU members, starting in Fall 2023 and ending in Winter 2028 (inclusive), at which point it will be brought back to the Membership for renewal, with the understanding that failing to receive these funds would significantly hinder the aforementioned initiatives?
  • Do you agree to the appointment of FL Fuller Landau LLP as the Auditor for the 2023 Fiscal Year for the Students’ Society of McGill University, with the understanding that a majority “no” vote will result in the SSMU’s inability to be properly audited for this fiscal year?
  • Do you support the investment of 5% of the SSMU Capital Investment Fund (est. $150,000) towards the development of a solidarity cooperative bar out of the Milton-Parc Community, through the creation of a memorandum of understanding with the following conditions: 1) That SSMU be eligible for support-member status with the bar; 2) That the coop privileges McGill student groups for events and bookings in future operations of
    the bar; 3) That the co-op include in its business plan a solidarity meal program to service the local community, which includes McGill students.

  1. Creation of Legal Essentials Plan Fee:

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote for the creation of an opt-outable Legal Essentials Plan Fee at $30.00 per semester.

Opting in to the Legal Essentials Plan Fee grants students unlimited access to legal representation for housing, employment, academic, and human rights disputes. It can also fund small claims support and civil mediation. SSMU has already signed a contract with Student Care, the organization providing these services; a failure to pass the motion would put SSMU in violation of its contract with Student Care.

  1. Creation of the SSMU Grocery Fee

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote for the creation of an opt-outable SSMU Grocery Program Fee at $1.00 per semester.

Following a successful pilot program where all 200 spots were filled, the SSMU Grocery Fee would help tackle food insecurity by offering grocery vouchers to 473 eligible students per semester. The Daily’s editorial board recognizes the need for affordable food options given current economic conditions and amid a lack of affordable food options on and around campus. While several key logistical aspects of the program remain unclear, such as how the program would function should it be left without a coordinator (as will happen if the motion does not pass), the Daily nonetheless supports the program’s creation due to its urgent need on campus.

  1. Arab Student Network Fee Renewal: 

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote for the renewal of the opt-outable Arab Student Network Fee of $0.50 per semester.

The Arab Student Network Fee supports SSMU’s efforts to advance equity and advocacy for Arab students at McGill. This year, the Arab Student Network has used money collected from students to organize a variety of social and cultural events, including ArabFest, a barbecue, and a ski trip. The organization has also been able to fund a journal and Arabic classes. As such, the fee is essential to ensure the Network’s longevity, its ability to plan future community events, and its ability to provide resources and support to Arab students.

  1. Plate Club Fee Renewal

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote for the renewal of the Plate Club Fee. 

The Plate Club Fee is an opt-outable fee of $0.14 per semester, which Plate Club uses to provide access to reusable dishware for any group or individual on campus hosting a food-related event. 

The Daily believes that the renewal of the Plate Club Fee is essential in fostering sustainability on campus. Were McGill to lose this service, on-campus events would likely be forced to rely on the use of disposable dishware and single-use plastics. The continuation of this $0.14 fee would additionally strengthen SSMU’s ability to fulfill its sustainability mandate, while demonstrating that sustainability is an important value across campus.

  1. Student Space Fund Fee Renewal

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes, with reservations” vote for the renewal of the opt-outable Student Space Fund Fee of $1.00 per semester.

While we support SSMU’s mandate to “improve spaces on campus,” notably the SSMU building, with money collected from this fee, we are concerned that the motion provides no information on how the money will be used to improve student spaces – or even on which spaces are to be targeted. The motion also mentions that 85 per cent of the funds collected will go to the Building and Operations Management Committee, while the remaining 15 per cent will be “allocated by the funding committee, via applications.” We could find no information either on the nature and composition of these committees or on the nature of said “applications.” We ask that SSMU make a detailed plan for the Student Space Fund Fee publicly available before the renewal of the fee is put to a vote.

  1. Black Students’ Network Fee Renewal

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote on the renewal of the opt-outable Black Students’ Network Fee of $1.00 per semester. 

As a leading voice on campus, BSN seeks to “promote the interests of Black people and sensitize McGill University and the wider Montreal community to issues concerning these peoples.” From hosting events like Black Frosh and Soul Food Friday, to working with the McGill administration to organize Black History Month, BSN’s impact both on and off campus is large, and we support the continuation of these efforts with enthusiasm. 

  1. Environment Fee Renewal

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote to renew the opt-outable Environment Fee of $1.00 per semester. 

The Environment Fee goes toward the SSMU Environment Fund (the Green Fund), which is a source of financial assistance for sustainable initiatives led by student groups or for initiatives to promote a culture of sustainability on campus. Part of the fund is allocated by the SSMU Environment Committee and the other part by the funding committee. Given that the Green Fund is managed by students and for students to support sustainability on campus, the Daily supports continuing the environment fee. 

  1. Daily Publications Society (DPS) Fee Increase:

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote to increase the non-opt-outable fees collected by the DPS by $1.50 per semester, for a total of $7.50 per semester (with $3.75 going to each Le Delit and the Daily). 

The DPS publishes The McGill Daily and Le Délit, two independent, student-run, non-profit newspapers covering news, commentary, culture, sci-tech, and more at McGill and across Montreal. Both newspapers are critical sites for journalism on campus, and both provide platforms for all members of the McGill community to voice their opinions and concerns. The DPS has not asked for a fee increase since 2008. A fee increase is essential to reflect the rising operational costs of publishing two newspapers and two websites caused by recent inflation in Quebec, among other factors that have arisen over the past 15 years. Additionally, a fee increase would support the permanent employees at the DPS and help remunerate them for all of the amazing work that they do. 

Vote “yes” for the free press! 

  1. Tribune Publication Society (TPS) Fee Renewal and Increase

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote to increase the TPS Fee from $4.00 to $5.50 per semester. 

The TPS publishes The McGill Tribune, another critical journalism outlet available to all members of the McGill community. Supporting the TPS Fee renewal means supporting the continuation of the Tribune’s operations. Additionally, their last fee increase was in 2018. This proposed fee increase would go toward supporting additional positions created since 2018 and would allow the publication to “expand its multimedia and digital reporting,” per the motion. While the Tribune’s fees are among the highest collected by SSMU and support only a single publication, a “yes” vote aligns with the Daily’s mandate to bolster student voices, support student journalists, and strengthen the free press at McGill. 

  1. ECOLE Fee Renewal

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote for the renewal of the ECOLE Fee. 

This motion would renew ECOLE’s opt-outable fee of $2.00 per semester. ECOLE currently provides subsidized housing for ten students, organizes community events intended to promote sustainability, and provides free space booking for clubs and student groups, which is especially useful for smaller organizations that may not have a permanent physical space. Although ECOLE’s capacity to organize events has diminished due to COVID-19, they are working to reassert their presence on campus and expand their programming. This opt-outable fee would allow them to continue to improve and expand their operations to provide these services to students.

  1. Student Support Fee Renewal

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “no” vote for the renewal of the Student Support Fee and its proposed increase from $9.99 per semester to $10.29 per semester. 

The Student Support Fee was instituted after students voted “yes” to its creation in the Winter 2022 referendum. The opt-outable fee goes toward Student Support Canada, a for-profit organization that provides students with unlimited access to Calm, Udemy, and ProWritingAid. In line with our endorsement during the Winter 2022 referendum, the Daily says “no” to both the renewal and increase of the fee. Student funds should go toward student services, not for-profit outside organizations. Furthermore, the legitimacy of Student Support Canada is questionable. In 2020, the organization was less than transparent with the Carleton University Students’ Association, as reported in the Eyeopener. At a legislative council meeting in February 2022, when the service was being introduced, Student Support Canada’s representative also implied that overhead costs associated with providing these services would be subject to change over the next few years. This past school year, legislative counsellors expressed further concern regarding Student Support’s failure to adequately consult McGill students and to be transparent about its use of student fees, the McGill Tribune reports. All in all, student fees would be much better allocated to services rather than to a corporation. 

  1. Midnight Kitchen Fee Increase

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote for the increase of the Midnight Kitchen Fee from $3.35 to $8.00 per semester. 

Midnight Kitchen (MK) is a non-profit and student-run food collective that provides free vegan and nut-free lunches once a week. With this fee increase, MK will be able to continue expanding its services, including providing more meals and increasing meal frequency, while keeping up with the inflated prices of ingredients. Additionally, MK only has one-fifth of the operating budget of similar organizations across Canadian universities, such as the People’s Potato (Concordia) and the Loaded Ladle (Dalhousie). Free and accessible meal options are a necessity on university campuses, especially for more vulnerable student populations. MK’s invaluable work as an alternative to profit-driven systems of food production makes it essential in combating food insecurity on campus. 

  1. Muslim Students’ Association Fee Increase

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote for the increase of the opt-outable Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) Fee from $0.99 to $1.55 per semester.

The MSA seeks to unite Muslim students and provide necessary services that would improve these students’ university experiences – through offering Islamic prayers, resources, educational tools, and student life activities. This fee increase would enable MSA to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of the services it provides as well as respond to the demand for such services. 

  1. Referral Services Fee Increase:

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote to increase the Referral Services Fee by $1.11 per semester: $0.76 for the Eating Disorder Centre and $0.35 for Queer McGill.

Given the increased need and demand for their services, this fee increase would help the Eating Disorder Centre fund their expanded operations, hire more support staff, and hire a French Translator to translate all provided resources in compliance with Bill 96. Queer McGill has also expanded its event offerings and resource co-op to meet demand that has grown since 2020, requiring a fee increase. Queer McGill currently faces a gap in its budget of close to $9,000, so increasing the fee would allow for long-term financial stability required for continued expansion.

  1. Mental Health Fee Increase:

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote to increase the Mental Health Fee by $0.35 per semester, bringing the fee to $0.75 per semester.

This fee increase would allow for an increase in hours devoted to mental health initiatives on campus, as well as cover inflation and a higher minimum wage. It would also contribute to a collaboration with the SSMU Safety and Referral Service, which covers the management of contracts such as keep.meSAFE and myWellness as well as initiatives such as Mental Illness Awareness Week and Suicide Prevention Week. Furthermore, the motion is aligned with the 2020–23 Mental Health Policy and Plan, which has met all of its objectives with the exception of the fee increase that was initially planned for Fall 2020.

  1. Safety Services Fee Increase: 

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote to increase the non-opt-outable Safety Services Fee from $4.32 to $5.65 per semester. The $1.33 increase would grow the fee allocation for the DriveSafe program by $1.00 and the McGill Student Emergency Response Team (MSERT) by $0.33. 

DriveSafe is a volunteer-run service that improves safety for students by providing free rides home between 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Students located anywhere on the island of Montreal can request a ride, and they can do so by calling the DriveSafe dispatcher or completing an online request form. The fee increase would account for the increased costs to rent cars and to purchase food for volunteers due to inflation. The increase would also allow parking costs to be covered for volunteers. Without the increase, DriveSafe will be unable to maintain their current level of operations and will be forced to reduce their capacity and/or their operational hours. 

MSERT provides free and accessible first aid service to the McGill and greater Montreal communities, offers first aid and CPR/AED courses to the general public, and allows participants to receive a valid first aid and/or CPR certification. The fee increase would allow MSERT to hire more instructors and offer more courses to meet the demand and accommodate the currently long waitlists. 

  1. Creation of International Relations Students’ Association of McGill (IRSAM) Fee:

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote to the creation of an opt-outable fee of $1.00 per semester for IRSAM. 

IRSAM is McGill’s largest student group, providing students with various platforms to engage in discussions about international relations. The proposed fund would go toward: (1) helping publish the Flux: International Relations Review academic journal and the McGill International Relations Review newspaper; (2) allowing the International Youth Advisory Delegation to expand the number of McGill students able to travel to the UN headquarters in New York City each to present policy proposals and increase the number of attendable conferences; (3) providing bursaries to students who volunteer to help run Model UN conferences overseen by IRSAM; and (4) facilitating the Junior Peacemakers’ Program. Given this indication that the fee will be well-used by a student organization with a large scope, the Daily endorses a “yes” vote for its creation. 

  1. Plebiscite Question: Bar Milton-Parc Solidarity Cooperative

The Daily’s editorial board endorses a “yes” vote to the Plebiscite Question on the Bar Milton-Parc Solidarity Cooperative.

The result of this question does not force SSMU into action; rather, it serves to determine the student body’s interest in a one-time investment of the SSMU Capital Expenditure Reserve Fund (CERF) into a Solidarity Cooperative business in the Milton-Parc area. The business in question would be the Bar Milton-Parc Solidarity Cooperative, established after the Citizens’ Committee of Milton-Parc purchased the building of the former Bar des Pins. The Cooperative hopes to create an inclusive community space that can be used for studying, hosting events, and evening entertainment such as dance parties and open-mic nights. They aim to open by Fall 2023 and hope to remain community-oriented and grounded in the history of radical political activism in Milton-Parc.

The SSMU investment in the Bar Milton-Parc Solidarity Cooperative would come with a memorandum of understanding that the Cooperative would privilege McGill student groups for space booking, that SSMU would be eligible for support-member status with the bar, and that the cooperative would run a solidarity meal program for the community that would include McGill students.

The polling period for the Winter 2023 referendum will take place from March 13 at 9:00 a.m. to March 17 at 5:00 p.m. Please visit to cast your ballot.