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Letter to the Editor In Response to “Souq Stories: Interview with the Curators”

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To the Editor:
It is deeply disturbing that part of your article, “Souq Stories,” incites racist hate against Jewish people by characterizing Jewish efforts to secure fundamental human rights as protected by and codified in international law on the basis of equality as being racist in nature, and, without evidence and rather nonsensically, describes these efforts as being “antisemitic.” Equality and equity are racist only in an Orwellian world where left is right, up is down, and right is wrong. Scapegoating of Jews through dog whistles that deny Jews the same human rights – including self-determination – afforded to peoples of other faiths and ethnic backgrounds is racist, discriminatory, and bigoted. You owe your readers an apology and a retraction for the hatred that you have allowed to sully the pages of the Daily. Human rights are predicated on universality and equality. Denying them to Jews is a blatant violation of those principles and causes harm to Jewish individuals and the Jewish community as a whole at McGill, in Canada, and beyond. It is also a violation of a fundamental commitment to freedom, equality, and justice for all peoples. If the Daily disseminates speech that denies Jewish people fundamental human rights it should recognize that, ironically, in its purported anti-racist commitments, it has embraced racism against a minority and platforms exclusionary and oppressive values that violate both the spirit and substance of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as international human rights law and international law.