Painting, writing, and surviving
Why did humans evolve the capacity to make art?
Why did humans evolve the capacity to make art?
Researchers study survival strategies of antibiotic-resistant E. coli
Canadian scientists get involved in looking at possible biosignatures of life on Mars
Student-made solutions to McGill’s clunky interfaces
McGill students compete in elevator race to space for $1-million prize
Where we’ve come in the fight against overfishing
Students use free, online MIT lectures as a substitute for class
Benefits and concerns for bioengineered food
New research suggests that hydrochlorofluorocarbons, which are used in aerosol spray and have been phased in to replace ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons, may cause acid rain. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons… Read More »Earth on Tickertape
Prof talks “new” neuroscience and technology
Engineers Without Borders stresses importance of sustained volunteer projects
Concordia talk explores scientific inquiry and rodents as art
Legislation hinders developing countries’ access to life-saving medicine
Californian “technology pioneer” Proteus Biomedical is designing one millimetre-squared computer chips that, when ingested with drugs, will monitor the body’s response to the drugs, relaying… Read More »Earth on tickertape
CKUT speakers discuss current policy’s failure to regulate harmful research applications