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SSMU Winter General Assembly 2019 – Endorsements

“YES” to Motion regarding Fight for Free Education, brought forward by Socialist Fightback at Concordia and McGill

The Daily endorses a “yes” vote for the Motion regarding SSMU support for the fight for free education, brought forth by Socialist Fightback at Concordia and McGill. The motion calls on the VP External of SSMU to commit to building a campaign in support of free tuition and the cancellation of student debt. The motion also mandates that the VP External mobilize for a one-day student strike in the Fall 2018 semester, hold regular organizational meetings open to student participation, and work in solidarity with off-campus organisations advocating for free tuition across the province.

The Daily stands in favour of free education and believes in the value accessibility of all kinds within education. High tuition fees, textbook costs, administrative fees, and the cost of living make higher education inaccessible to most. As a major Canadian university, we believe McGill has the platform and responsibility to set a precedent regarding affordable or free education. We support Socialist Fightback in their efforts to bring down the financial barriers to education at our university and beyond.