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The best damn paper in Havana North

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If you’ve just snagged a copy of this rag hot off the presses, there’s a chance you’re new to McGill. If frosh hasn’t worn you out already, the next few years are in all likelihood going to be pretty swell. Hopefully you’ll pick us up along the way – twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. We’ve been here 100 years, and this year will be no different.

If you’re new to Sin City on the St. Lawrence, we hope our disorientation guide will help you untangle the mystery that Montreal can sometimes be. But it doesn’t stop there: while school’s on, we’ll be printing the low-down on campus news, as well as the latest and greatest in opinions, music, art, science, sports, and much more at McGill and around our metropolis.

This is what student media is made for, but at The Daily we like to take things a bit further. We try to get the angles that no one else does – dig a little deeper, look a little closer into what’s going on around Montreal, than other media do. That means covering different things and covering the usual things differently. And because we’re both a campus and a community paper, we don’t limit ourselves to what’s going on between Peel and University. As an anglo paper in a franco burg, we’ve got an edge by investigating important stories not yet covered in the English-language press.

It means we try to challenge the official line that you hear parroted all the time elsewhere – like the reason your tuition is going up or McGill’s hush-hush budget plans. And it means we look into things that sometimes just don’t get many column inches at all – like the problems faced by immigrant communities at McGill and around Montreal. It can be a little hard to understand, but that’s what we’re here for: to help you get the juice. You can write about this stuff too, and help others know what’s up.

And who are we? We’re students, like you. In fact, you and I, and the person checking their Facebook in front of you in class, we’re all owners of the Daily Publications Society. Your student fees fund The Daily and our francophone sibling, Le Délit, which means it’s up to you to make these papers what you want them to be. It ain’t hard either, capisce?
The articles that appears in this fine fish wrapper are thought up by one of the 35,000 or so students here, sometimes an editor, but more often than not, someone reading The Daily that wanted to see something new, different, or better. That’s where you come in. We’d be sunk without new faces and new ideas.

If you’ve ever wanted to see your name in print, follow a hot lead, or snap some snazzy shots, now’s the time to get the ink flowing in your veins. It’s easy. Drop us a line at one of the addresses below, or write if you have more questions. Or just swing by our windowless office in the basement of the SSMU/Shatner building (room B-24, through the double doors). See you soon.

Coordinating editor






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