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The Trib’s Status

At SSMU Council Thursday, VP Clubs and Services Sarah Olle announced that a referendum question to finance an independent McGill Tribune has been pushed back to next term.

In an interview after the event, Olle explained that the Tribune had not been able to complete the necessary work to hold the referendum this term, as originally planned.

“The Tribune has to incorporate, but that hasn’t been initiated. Their final budget hasnt been figured out because they haven’t [determined] what’s needed in terms of permanent staff to figure out their fee [on the referendum question],” Olle said.

When asked about the delay, the Tribune’s Editor-in-Chief Thomas Quail was not worried.

“As it stands now, it doesn’t seem to be a problem…. It’s a matter of time,” Quail said.

If the referendum is approved by students, the question will then be presented at the Board of Governors, McGill’s highest ruling body. Olle said that “ideally” the Tribune will be independent in September 2010.

At Council, VP Internal Alex Brown’s resolution regarding the waste generated from student poster campaigns also passed, changing a by-law to reduce the amount of posters students can put up during campaign period. Brown celebrated the resolution’s success by saying, “Someone tell The Daily!”