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Letters: On super heroes, drinks, abortion, and money

Sane shit from a made-up super hero

Re: More crazy shit from theatre students | Commentary | Sept. 29

I take offense to the term “crazy shit,” or the use of “crazy” in describing my obviously eloquent and to-the-point letters. Recently someone I know had a dream that The Daily fell on its own sword. Be wary of sharp objects, Daily! Especially “crazies” with sharp objects.

Not only am I stereotyped as a “theatre” student, I am also compared to those people who have lost their minds…my diagnosis: too much of the world, too much second-rate journalism! If I am crazy, then let it be known that there are many more of me out there…those with genuine fears of extraterrestrial doom-bringers, hack writers collectively masquerading as a student newspaper, and the long shadows of apocalyptic horsemen rounding the corner at sundown.

I’m working on vanishing into thin air behind cleverly placed clouds of noxious gas, but until then, consider me the sanest Theatre AND Religious Studies student to grace this hallowed ground.


The Dark Motorcyclist

Devon Welsh

U2 Religious Studies and Drama & Theatre

The irony of choice

Re: “Voices for choice” | Mind & Body | Sept. 18; “Must doctors perform procedures they deem immoral?” | Commentary | Sept. 21

I would like to thank The Daily for publishing the article “Voices for choice” and the point-counterpoint articles “Must doctors perform procedures they deem immoral?” Abortion is an issue that must be brought back into public consideration.

I was disappointed, however, that Conor Lynch alone, of the three authors, brings up the inherent irony in the “freedom to choose” rhetoric: that it limits the freedoms afforded to certain individuals. For every woman who exercises her freedom to choose, a human being is denied her right to life. Packaging abortion as a woman’s rights issue does not change the fundamental truth that abortion ends the life of human being.

I implore everyone with an interest in human rights to consider the moral concern in the abortion debate. Groups of human beings have been deemed worthless before based on arbitrary characteristics. It turns out gender, ethnicity, and religion don’t define our value as humans. Should age? Can we condone killing nearly 100,000 unborn children in Canada every year?

Natalie Fohl

U2 Biology & Political Science

Karl knows where to find the best $4 drinks

Re: “Right On Karl! You’re the best!” | Commentary | Sept. 25

Lee Fiorio knows McGill. He knows its people, and he knows that McGill people are thirsty for spoken word, commentary on social justice issues, and world music.

But if you’re not thirsty for these things, take a cool sip of four dollars per semester.

Karl Tennessen

U3 Science

Omigod, I can’t beliefe I just won! I never win anyting!

Compliment, you just won 6532.- US$.

Would you beliefe, you just won 532.- US$

Cheers Jacklyn,

Have fun.

Salvador Dillon

Super Jackpot Kasino

Send your letters from your McGill email address to, and please keep them to 300 words for style and brevity. The Daily does not print letters that are sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise hateful.

The Daily received more letters than it could print in this issue. They will appear in the next possible issue, provided Salvador Dillon and Devon Welsh don’t write again.