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Hey you! There’s an election coming your way

There is a federal election October 14. Canadian citizens who will be at least 18 on election day can vote. The Daily explains all you need to know.

Should I vote?


Where’s my home riding?

Your electoral district – commonly known as a riding – is where your “ordinary residence” is. Elections Canada says that students living away from home may decide if their ordinary residence is either where their parents live or where they’ve escaped to during the school year.

Am I registered?

All registered electors should have received a Voter Information Card (VIC) addressed to them in the mail listing the locations for advance and regular polling dates. Those who have not gotten a VIC are probably not registered.

How do I register?

You can register just by showing up at your voting station on election day. It’s that easy!

What do I need to register?

You need the same proof as you need to vote: a government photo ID listing your address, or two pieces of ID with one listing your address, or a registered elector with ID who lives in your “polling division” (usually a few blocks around where you live) who will swear an oath along with you. Students in residence can get an “attestation of residence” from their residence administrator to prove their address.

When do I vote?

Polling stations are open from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on October 14. The last day of advance polls is today from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. You can also vote at your local Elections Canada office until 6 p.m. tomorrow.

Where do I vote?

The information is on your VIC. If you lost it, go to, type in your postal code, hit enter, and click on “Where do I vote?”

What if I cannot make it to my local polling station?

You can register and vote by mail. To get your kit, go to any Elections Canada office before 6 p.m. tomorrow. The closest one to McGill is Westmount—Ville-Marie’s, on the tenth floor of the Scotia Tower, 1002 Sherbrooke O., at the corner of McTavish. You will get a ballot, which must arrive in Ottawa before 6 p.m. on October 14. Canada Post may be slow.

Can I get involved?

You can help ensure the fairness of the electoral process by being an election worker at a polling station on election day. You’ll protect democracy and make up to $240 in the process. Elections Canada’s web site and its local offices have more information, and many spots are still available.

Do I have school on election day?

Yes, and it’s a regular Tuesday schedule at McGill. If you work for at a polling station, you may have to lie to your prof about why you missed class – for the first time ever!

Who should I vote for?

Check our editorial section on Thursday, and our spotlights on election issues that we have been publishing throughout the election. And then make up your mind yourself.