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Letters: Manosij Majumdar floods The Daily letters section while editors hastily assemble ark

Vote Yes for your sworn enemies


To my dear fellow sensible and pragmatic people on campus who think The Daily is a dirty pinko rag staffed by unwashed dreamy-eyed hippies high on hashish (I was going to write say ‘hallucinogens’, but ‘hashish’ has more h’s and I’m an alliteration-addict) who wouldn’t know the real world if it chewed their toes off and deserve to die, die, die and send to a gulag so they know what baby-eating Christ-hating Communism’s really like… vote Yes for The Daily. We need someone to bash and love to hate, and if your idea of expressing your opposition to a newspaper’s ideals are to help shut it down, you need to check your principles. Daily, I may not agree with a word you say, but I’ll defend to a fee your right to say it.1

1Voltaire, just in case the paraphrased plagiarism police get all perturbed.


Manosij Majumdar

U1 Chemical Engineering

A blatant violation of The Daily’s Letters Policy


Adam. Seth. Enos. Cainan. Mahalaleel. Jared. Enoch. Methuselah. Lamech. And Noah.

There, I said it.


Manosij Majumdar

U1 Chemical Engineering

Kevin Chambers for VP

Re: “The Daily’s Endorsements 2008” | News | March 10, 2008


I fail to see how you can so condescendingly dismiss Kevin Chambers as merely “amusing.” One does not need to be part of the SSMU Old Guard to be taken seriously, do they?

His organizational skills are proven, his ideas are sound, and he was the only candidate for VP Internal who said in his interview that the position should be apolitical. That is the most professional statement any of them made – far more professional than reciting the tiring trite of catchphrases like “mobilization,” “social justice,” “dynamic” et al. our other student politicians are so fond of repeating. We need an administrator in this job, not another Sound Bite Sam(antha).

If anyone deserves the URL of in this election, it’s Kevin Chambers. I’m not saying this because I think Irish people are cool, and I’m not saying this because engineers rule, but because Kevin’s the man for the job. And he’ll go without pants to prove it, too.


Manosij Majumdar

U1 Chemical Engineering

Auditor excitement audible pt. 1

Re: “The Daily’s Endorsements 2008” | News | March 10, 2008

I’d like to commend The Daily’s Yes endorsement of Chamberlain and Hodge as the SSMU’s auditors. It is extremely important that students have a fair and unbiased view of their society’s finances, especially given the raft of corporate scandals that have taken place in the recent past. Thanks!

Aneerudha Borkotoky

U3 Management

Auditor excitement audible pt. 2

Re: “The Daily’s Endorsements 2008” | News | March 10, 2008

I would like to thank The Daily for its strong endorsement of the referendum question for the nomination of SSMU’s auditors. It is imperative that students have an accurate, fair and complete view of their student society’s finances. Hopefully in the future, we will reach quorum at General Assemblies to pass this measure there. However, it is important that our finances are transparent and audits have been an integral part of this in the past and I pray that it will remain so.

Adrian Angus

U3 Canadian History

SSMU VP University Affairs

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