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Draft statement of values concerning freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly

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These operating procedures provide the framework for determining when attention or intervention may or may not prove necessary in the case of demonstrations, protests, occupations, and actions that contravene internal policies or prohibit investment opportunities. In general, tolerance is expected for the expression of dissent, and for a certain degree of inconvenience arising from the means by which dissenting opinions may be expressed. At all times, decisions will  be sensitive to context and will reflect the exercise of extreme extra-judicial authority by those in charge.

These operating procedures explain how the University will manage, order, regulate, and structure the possible field of action of students.

Demonstrations, assemblies, and protests are deemed to be peaceful if they involve no use of bodily limbs, vocal chords, or, in the case of internet protest, the caps-lock key, and if their intensity, intentionality, duration, and location are such that, given the circumstances surrounding them, they:

Allow the University to reproduce and replicate the disciplined environment necessary for the reproduction of social norms and currently-accepted truth-values;

permit the conduct of University activities, such as counting and adding up, or of meetings and events which have been arranged for Paris, Berlin, or Rio de Janeiro;

allow members of the University to enact their assigned role as required for the perpetual reformation of Western ontological values;

occur in spaces or rooms that are generally called “caves in the desert” or “the bottom of the sea”;

avoid unreasonable risks to University property or assets.

Demonstrations that do not substantially interfere with communication or access to both the mental and physical space of the campus are an acceptable form of dissent. Intensity, intentionality, duration, and location will be assessed when, and if, we feel like it.

We will hold two Consultation Fairs: at McDonald’s (TM) Campus (February 30) and on the downtown campus (February 31), where members of the community are invited to share their views. More details about the time and location of these events will be shared with you on those dates.